As we’re always fond of saying, your home is your sanctuary!
Your home is what you return to from study or work. It’s where you set out from when your day begins. And this is truest of your bedroom, where you’re the undisputed queen or king. Make it special!
Here’s a step by step guide to how you can make your bedroom your sanctuary.
STEP 1. What’s it you don’t like about your room? (You’re going to change it.)
Sometimes, the most obvious things are the ones we miss. The elephant in the room, as they say. 2500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, ‘Nothing is permanent, except change’. The only exception is that idea itself. It hasn’t changed to this day!
On a more serious note, human likes and dislikes keep changing. Why, we even aren’t the same person we were a year back. And that’s the beauty of life. It even gives us the opportunity to change our lives for the better.
So, here’s the first step. Sit down in a quiet spot and write down all the things that you think are wrong about your room. All those things should have changed when you’re done with this project. Maybe you want to see plants through the window, while now, all you see is the neighbour’s concrete wall. (Think of adding a plant on the sill, or a wallpaper with botanical motifs!) Think! Think!
What’s it you love about your room? (You’re going to keep that.)
The things you love about your bedroom could be many. It is always very personal. It changes from person to person. List out the things you love. They could be photographs of loved ones or memories of places, even a piece of art. It could be the view through the window. If you love it already, keep it!
Here’s an uncomfortable truth: a cluttered room is a cluttered mind. Psychologists say that the exterior is an expression of the mind. So, deal with your space as you would deal with your mind. Spruce it up. Get rid of those things you haven’t used for over a year. Hide away those things you only need occasionally or seasonally (like winter wear). Simply give or gift away things you have in excess. After all, it is better to give than to receive, it’s been said. (Well, sometimes it’s fantastic to receive as well, but according to wise folk, you receive more if you’re the kind that gives away happily).
And once you’ve got rid of the clutter, you’re all set. Now put everything out of the room ‘cos you’re going to paint the walls. Don’t worry, you can bring your stuff back in later.
Repainting a wall not only makes the room look different, it’ll make it look a lot better too! But choose your palette cleverly. The thumb rules are to go with neutrals (greys, whites) and to follow the rule of 60 30 10. Which means, use the subdued colour of your choice 60%, a harmonious hue 30% and something quite different, 10%. Follow this and you can’t go far wrong. To know more, check out our blog on how to use colour!
A change of colour will do wonders to your room.
Bring back your stuff. But bring in ONLY the absolute essentials. It sometimes helps to reorient your bed too. Helps to make you feel rejuvenated! Strange are the ways of the mind, aren’t they?!
Depending on your needs, the weather or your ideas of comfort, go ahead and add interesting stuff to the bed! Word of caution though: Add too many pillows and cushions and you won’t know what to do with them at night (the Bed Bench – that thing at the end of beds you see in pictures is, sadly, called a bed bench – is meant for that). And then there’s always the floor to throw them, (they’re called Throw Cushions, after all) but that can be messy!
The basic idea is to have clean sheets and linen, comforters, blankets, whatever you need. And to have them looking and smelling great. Get yourself a comfortable mattress and you’re ready to go to the next step!
Nothing adds mood to a room like lighting. Give simple white curtains to your window and have that sunlight filter in! Get some good task lighting for reading in bed, sitting at your desk or in any comfortable chair you may have. Ambient lighting will show off your room. Accent lighting will draw the eye to the lovely spots in it. Task lighting will help you feel comfortable as you go on with your day or night.
Just a tip: ‘Warm’ lights (those orangish ones) are more calming to the senses than the ‘Cool’, white ones.
Rugs add that final touch and help make the bedroom great. Have one where you’re likely to place your feet when you wake up in the morning. Have another anywhere else you feel appropriate. Rugs are like salt in food. Add to taste!
With all the tips above, you should be able to transform your bedroom into your own private sanctuary.
However if you want guidance, do get in touch. We’ll be glad to take the weight off your shoulders.
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